Friday, 25 February 2011

Now that I have fully undertaken the Feasibility Study, I have found that the website will be capable of being fulfilled.
I have identified the websites documentation to be DFD's, ERD's and Flow Charts.
I have already constructed a DFD0 and DFD1 for the Website, this can be seen below.
1 – Request login information
2 – Display account information
3 – Check, maintain and update the website
4 – Advice updates to the website
5 – Check website for advert
6 – Make payment to company for advert
7 – Request order
8 – Dispatch order
9 – Make payment to supplier
10 – Register new account
11 – Issue new account
12 – Request membership
13 – Pay membership
14 – Pay web hosting service

1 – Login Request
2 – Authenticated Login
3 – Retrieve Account Information
4 – Display Account Information
5 – Check, Maintain and Update the website
6 – Register Login
7 – Register New Account
8 – Issue New Account and Login
9 – Check for Advert
10 – Make Payment for Advert
11 – Make Payment Record
12 – Pay Webhosting Service
13 – Advice Updates
14 – Request Order
15 – Dispatch Order
16 – Pay the Supplier
17 – Make Order Record
18 – Request Membership
19 – Pay Membership
D = Electronic
M = Manual

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Thought about a website,  it  will allow anybody to learn via the aid of tutorials (these being via videos, pictures or by text), this will allow the users to have a choice of how they wish to view the website, depending on  visual, audio or even both, this will allow the users to choose their preferred formats.

Including plain colours schemes such as light purple, white, blues and black would be suitable for the eyes, this will not require a database as it will just have uploaded images, text and videos, these will not change, it should allow the user to have full navigation and direction around the site, I would advice that the website was to have a matrix feature on most pages.

Here is an Initial Design of the Website i wish to create

Thursday, 3 February 2011


I have chosen to use Microsoft Expression Web 4 as the web technology; this decision has been made on a basis of research, as Microsoft Expression Web 4 has capabilities of different code languages, these being HTML, CSS, PHP and ASP.  Microsoft Expression Web 4 has the capability to use multiple languages within the website; this will present a range of different techniques that can be used to build the website, for example access code using PHP script.  Personally I have used Microsoft Expression before; this will also help as I know where to locate certain files, settings and preferences for the website.

I have also chosen MySQL to use as the database which will hold the information on the users of the company.  This decision was also made via research as Microsoft Access 2007 starts to become slow when over one thousand records, whereas MySQL is a database created to handle this amount of information, I also researched into Oracle but this was overpriced for the company and training would need to be taken.

Whilst undertaking research I took into consideration the cost of the websites implementation, the cost of time to the company and also hosting costs for the website.  The implementation of the website would cost the company, as they would have to abide by  the Data Protection Act 1984 & 2003, this means that the company will have to register as a data controller, as the website will be storing personal data.  The website will need to have a copyright certificate; this can be from £39 for 5 years or £64 for 10 years, I have also identified that the website will need to be W3C compliant, this will allow everybody to be able to view the website, i.e. colour blind, text type & size etc.

As the website will be Web 2.0, it will need to be maintained to check what the users are posting and whether any errors or issues have arisen since implementation, I would maintain the website every other day of the week, this being 2-4 hours of the day.  I would also like to advice about webhosting the site, this may take a day to find a suitable webhost for the site, the prices range from £27 - £100+ per year for the web site, this is a minimum of £2.25 per month.  The website will advertise the company, meaning more customers will come through the doors bring income to the company, the following listed above would be classified as expenditure.

With the website in place it will allow the company to be more productive as it will advertise them, this will bring more customers through the doors and make the company more productive, this will create profit for the business.  It will also make the company more efficient as the newsletters that are normally given out will be emails online, this will save time making the company more efficient by saving time and money on paper.

The website will consist of HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL Database, the website will be designed and constructed using the CSS pages which will structure the entire site, the HTML pages will provide the pages of the site, which can then integrate the CSS pages to give structure, I will include PHP to the website as this will connect the database allowing the users to login to their own personal space.
The PHP will not be able to be seen when viewing source code, meaning the database cannot be accessed or interfered with.  This acts as a security feature as members of the public or other users of the site cannot see anyone else’s personal space, the only way to access their personal space will be to have a login and password, this will prevent anyone commenting or accessing the site for no reason, unless you are associated with the company.
